Thank you for considering a donation to the Green Party in Dufferin-Caledon.

We rely on donations from individuals like you!

Any Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada may donate with their own personal funds. Only residents of Ontario may donate to the Provincial Association. Businesses and other organizations may not donate.

To donate by e-transfer:

Click the button to submit your contact information and display e-transfer instructions.

To donate by credit card:

Federal ​Association

Donations will support our next Federal candidate. You may contribute up to $1,650 annually and receive a tax credit of up to 75% of your contribution.

Provincial ​Association

Donations will support our Provincial candidate. You may contribute up to $3,300 annually and receive a tax credit of up to 75% of your contribution.

To donate by cheque, mail your cheque with your name, address and contact details to: PO Box 65, Orangeville ON L9W 2Z5.

Donation receipts for tax purposes will be sent in the following year by February.

Questions? Email